nedelja, 9. avgust 2009

Thinking on Music in Past Three Decades

On behalf of organisers, program committee and students of musicology at Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, I wish to invite you to participate in our symposium with the theme of: thinking on music in past three decades, which will be held in Ljubljana from 12th – 13th November 2009.

International Musicology Student Symposium

Thinking on Music in Past Three Decades

Official languages: Slovenian, English

Scholarly thinking on music – publicistic discourse on music
Authors' poetics – popular music and thinking on it

Thinking on music in the past three decades was, similarly like artistic creativity, determined by postmodern defocusing and pluralism. This strongly manifested in scholarly thinking on music by forming New Musicology, but it can be argued that similar phenomenon also occurred in general discourse on music and musical poetics of the time. Because the width and multidirectional areas in thinking on music cannot provide the insight which is homogenous enough, the main aim of symposium is to investigate the relations between two different basic levels of reception and production in music.

Questions of academic musicological and ethnomusicological discourse and issues of interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity in researching and writing on music often exclude the pragmatic thinking on music as spread by different forms of publicistic and journalistic reality, which is marked by transformation of contemporary media space. This raises questions like: which values prevail in scholarly researching of musical phenomenon, which in daily cultural-informative distribution and what are their inner relations.

Even more multidirectional is musical production of last three decades, which also requires requestioning of thinking on music, ranging on wide diapason of composers and various music authors’ poetics. This raises questions: What do the artists intend to achieve and how do they aim to do so, which principles and values lead them, what are the influences of changes of reproduction and distribution aesthetics, but most of all, what is composers’ and various popular and alternative music artists’ thinking on music like, what is their relation and what is popularity in music in the time of nivelisation of “high” and “popular” culture – all these and many more are the questions, raised by the theme of international musicology student meeting, which also warmly welcomes students and papers from other humanistic and art studies.

The symposium aims to provide an opportunity for students to improve themselves in scientific research, developing skill of identifying and interpreting relevant musical and musicological phenomena and at the same time developing new student connections and obtaining already existing ones.

If you are interested to participate in our symposium, please submit a proposal (name, study information and contact address) and an abstract explaining paper’s content and methodology (max. 300 words). Abstracts should be sent no later than September 10th 2009 on address Notification of acceptance will be sent not later than September 15th 2009. Selected papers presented at the conference will be published.
We sincerely hope that you will be able to join us and help us to carry out this symposium successfully!

Tjaša Ribizel
Primož Trdan – Ljubljana
Srdjan Atanasovski – Belgrade
Tjaša Ribizel – Ljubljana
Vilena Vrbanič – Zagreb
Editha Morscher – Graz
Žiga Fabbro – Ljubljana
Blanka Šafkova- Brno
Tjaša Ribizel, Primož Trdan

Misel o glasbi v zadnjih treh desetletjih

Mednarodni simpozij študentov muzikologije in ostalih humanističnih ved

Misel o glasbi v zadnjih treh desetletjih

Uradni jezik simpozija: slovenščina, angleščina

12. in 13. novembra na Oddelku za muzikologijo Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani prirejamo mednarodni simpozij študentov muzikologije in ostalih humanističnih ved. Na tem simpoziju lahko sodeluje vsak izmed študentov zgoraj omenjenih ved, ki ga tema simpozija privlači na tak ali drugačen način, zato vas vljudno vabimo k sodelovanju.

Znanstvena misel o glasbi – publicistični diskurz o glasbi
Avtorske poetike – popularna glasba in misel o njej

Podobno kot umetniško ustvarjalnost sta tudi misel o glasbi zadnjih treh desetletij zaznamovala postmoderna razsrediščenost in pluralizem. Slednja sta se znotraj znanstvene misli o glasbi manifestirala v formiranju tako imenovane Nove muzikologije, hkrati pa gre iskati podobne vzporednice tudi v splošnem razpravljanju o glasbi in avtorskih poetikah.

Ker nam širina in raznosmernost posameznih področij razmišljanja o glasbi ne omogočata dovolj homogenega uvida vanje, je potrebno predvsem preučiti razmerja med najmanj dvema temeljnima ravnema recepcije in produkcije glasbe.

Vprašanja akademskega muzikološkega in etnomuzikološkega diskurza ter vprašanja interdisciplinarnosti in multidisciplinarnosti v raziskovanju in pisanju o glasbi pogosto ostajajo zunaj pragmatične misli o glasbi, kakšno širijo različne oblike publicističnega vsakdanjika, pogosto zaznamovanega s preobrazbo sodobnega medijskega prostora. Tako se postavlja vprašanje, katere vrednote so v ospredju v znanstvenem raziskovanju glasbenih fenomenov in katere prevladujejo v dnevnem kulturno-informativnem obtoku ter kakšna so njihova medsebojna razmerja.

Še bolj razdrobljena glasbena produkcija zadnjih treh desetletij prav tako terja preizpraševanje misli o glasbi, ki se razprostira na širokem diapazonu avtorskih poetik skladateljev in mnogih drugih ustvarjalcev glasbe. Kaj in na kakšen način želijo doseči ustvarjalci, kakšni nazori in vrednote jih pri tem vodijo, kako na to vplivajo spremembe estetike reprodukcijskih in distribucijskih pogojev, predvsem pa kakšna je misel o glasbi skladateljev ter kakšna ustvarjalcev popularnih in alternativnih glasbenih praks, v kakšnem odnosu so ter kaj je popularnost v glasbi v času zbliževanja »visoke« in »popularne« kulture – vse to in še mnoga druga so vprašanja, ki jih sprožata tematska sklopa mednarodnega srečanja študentov muzikologije, h kateremu so vabljeni tudi študentje drugih humanističnih in umetniških usmeritev.

Simpozij je namenjen praktičnemu preizkušanju in izpopolnjevanju študentov v znanstveno-raziskovalnem delu, razvijanju sposobnosti prepoznavanja relevantnih glasbenih in glasboslovnih fenomenov ter njihove interpretacije, obenem pa tudi ustvarjanju novih in utrjevanju že vzpostavljenih mednarodnih študijskih povezav.

Vse zainteresirane pozivamo, da pošljejo prijavo z osnovnimi osebnimi podatki (ime in priimek, podatke o študiju in kontaktni naslov) in povzetkom, ki naj vsebuje opis vsebine referata in metodologije dela (do 300 besed). Prijave sprejemamo do 10. septembra 2009, na naslov, obvestilo o uvrstitvi na simpozij pa boste prejeli do 15.9.2009.
Iskreno se veselimo sodelovanja z vami!

Tjaša Ribizel
Primož Trdan – Ljubljana
Srdjan Atanasovski – Beograd
Tjaša Ribizel – Ljubljana
Vilena Vrbanič – Zagreb
Editha Morscher – Graz
Žiga Fabbro – Ljubljana
Blanka Šafkova- Brno
Tjaša Ribizel, Primož Trdan